Sunday, November 9, 2014

What would you NOT buy online?

While I do a lot of online shopping for it's convenience there are still some things that I wouldn't ever think of buying online. Some things I purchase online would be my textbooks, shoes, phone cases, bedding, etc. Things that if it doesn't work I have the option to return them. Some things that I would NEVER buy online would be food, I know that there is online grocery shopping and ordering food from companies but that is something that I would never do because I would worry about where my food is coming from. If it is so convenient for me to buy the food from them online then wouldn't it be easy for them to lie about the quality of food so that they can get the most convenient food sources for them even if it isn't such high quality? Along with food would be drinks, we talked about ordering wine in class but I feel like that is taking a leap of faith, it is so easy for companies to falsify or mislead us about the product/products that we are purchasing. While my ideas may change a little as life gets busier and I am searching for things that are more convenient at the moment I would rather drive to the grocery store and look around rather then order online.


Okay, I have tried to figure out how to do this on three different occasions and I don't have a clue as to how to do it on my computer. I have tried to create the page through Safari and I tried through the Netscape webpage as well. The instructions seem quite easy reading them through but I can't find where the hell to retrieve the HTML page codes... I will keep trying on this and I am going to ask Professor tomorrow but this is so confusing because I don't know where to look for or find the short hands that it says we need to find.

Monday, November 3, 2014

A visit from Derek Young:

I really enjoyed him coming to class, when he was explaining Tacoma Runners I realized the link between him and Erik Hanberg have in common; successful manipulation of social media. I was really curious as to what Tacoma Runners was and when he was explaining how they started with 12 people who didn't know each other but had seen it on twitter and now there are hundreds I thought it was the coolest thing since sliced bread. You would never think that something like that would spread so fast and have such an amazing outcome. I know that the next charity or event that I attend I will reach out on social media because you never know who has the same interests and desires to help that you do.